Tuesday 18 April 2023

FYBCA 2023 SEM-II Web Development Lab Book Solutions



Web Technology Exercise 1: Basic HTML Tags 

1. Create an html page which will display names of your family members on separate lines in different sizes. State size of each line in its text.

2. Create an html page which will display names of players of Indian cricket team with all the different text styles (bold, italic and underlined) and its combinations on separate lines. State style of each line in its text.

3. Create an html page containing the polynomial expression as follows

         ao + a1x+ a2x2 + a3 x3 

4. Create an html page with following specifications

  a. Title should be about MYCOLLEGE 

  b. Put the windows Logo image in the background 

  c. Place your College name at the top of the page in large text followed by address in smaller size 

  d. Add names of courses offered each in a different color, style and typeface. 

  e. Add scrolling text with a message of your choice 

  f. Add college image at the bottom 

5. Create an html5 page with following specifications

  a. Title should be about MYCITY 

  b. Place your City name at the top of the page in large text and in blue color 

  c. Add names of landmarks in your city each in a different color, style and typeface 

  d. One of the landmark, your college name should be scrolling 

  e. Add scrolling text with a message of your choice 

  f. Add some image at the bottom 

Web Technology Exercise 2: Creating List through HTML

1.     Write a HTML code to generate the following output

                      1. Undergraduate Courses

i.                  BBA(CA)

ii.               BCA(Science)

iii.             B.Sc.(Computer Science)

                 2. Post Graduate Courses

i.          M.Sc.(Comp.Sci.)

ii.        M.Sc.(CA)

iii.  MCA 

2. Write a HTML code to generate the following output

    a. Flowering Plant

  • Rose
  • Lily
  • Jasmin

    b. Non Flowering Plant 

1. DYP
  • Courses  
      •  BCS 
      • BCA 
  • Courses
      • BCA
      • MCs  

  • Maruti-Suzuki
      • Petrol

        1. Swift 
        2. Ritz

      • Diesel 

        1. Swift-Desire 

Web Technology Exercise 3 : Creating Tables trough HTML 





Nilesh Patil



Pranav Kadam



Suhas Choudhari






































Population (in Crores)


























Fee Structure






















Web Technology Exercise 4 : Creating Frames through HTML 








First Frame : Your Name and address


Second Frame :

Bulleted list of favourite colours


rd Frame :

Numbered List of Cities

Fourth Frame:

Scrolling Message

Fifth Frame:

Blinking Reminders

Sixth Frame:

Name of Countries

IT Industries in INDIA


1.     Pune

2.     Mumbai





Web Technology Exercise 5 : Creating Forms through HTML 

Thursday 8 July 2021

MCA Entrance Classes - Admissions Started


MCA Entrance Classes

Start Date: 24 Jan 2022

Fees: Rs. 4000/-


Click Here to see Admission Process

Admissions Started for 

📍MCA Entrance Classes 

This batch also helps to clear basic maths concepts which will help to crack company interviews

📍 Will also cover MBA CET Topics 

 📍 Online Live / Offline  Classes ( for limited students)

📍 Start Date : 24th Jan 2022

📍 Fees : Rs. 4000/- 

🛑Limited admissions in a batch 

Any Queries? WhatsApp

NR Classes LLP


🌍250 / C , Shaniwar Peth, Pune 30

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Python for Data Science


For Data Science ( 6th Batch )

Duration : 60 Days (90 Hours  ) 
Start Date: 12th August 2021   |  Time : 11:30 AM - 1 PM
FEES : Rs. 15000 Rs.4000/-
In this course, we are going to cover the basic as well as advance python concepts. Starting from the environment setup to the database and python connectivity. This is the first step to enter into the data science field. 
Important: This will be a live hands-on training session. It's a two-way session students can ask their doubts like they ask in the classroom 

See Syllabus

  Student's Reviews  


Monday 27 July 2020

Jr. Web Developer

Jr. Web Developer

HTML | CSS | JavaScript 

Duration : 16 Days ( 24 Hours )    |    Start Date: 10th Aug 2020   |  Time : 7.30 AM - 9.00 AM
FEES : Rs. 5000 Rs.1200

After successful completion of the first batch with a huge response, Here is the schedule for the Second Batch on student's demand.
We guarantee that you will fell in love with the programming.

I Want Demo

This course is focused on beginners and will take you all the way from 'what does that even stand for' to creating real-life projects using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-- and understanding why and how you just did it.
Important: This will be a live hands-on training session. It's a two-way session students can ask their doubts like they ask in a classroom 

Sunday 14 June 2020

Online Courses

Java Programming

The Complete Beginner Course

Duration : 60 Days (90 Hours  )
Start Date: 20th July 2020   |  Time : 6 PM - 7.30 PM | 8 AM - 9.30 AM
FEES : Rs. 10000 Rs.2400/-

I Want Demo

Yes! we are online 

considering the safety of our students in this corona pandemic, we have shifted our classes online.

Take advantage of this. There is no distance limitation, just learn from Prof. Ramdas Sir and Prof. Neha Mam. This will be the two-way online session like the process goes in the classroom. Just attend the demo lectures once and decide whether to continue or not, but we are sure you will continue. 

Just click on the Image/link to see Course
Don't hesitate to contact us for any of your queries

CourseCourse Short Description
Jr. Web Developer Course

Jr. Web Developer Course

HTML | CSS | JavaScript

Logic Building with C programming


SYBCS Classes

SYBBA (CA) Classes (SYBCA)

SYBCA (Science) Classes

TYBCS Classes

TYBBA(CA) Classes

Sunday 28 April 2019

C Programming Practice Programs

1.write a menu driven prog to accept and display book info of libarary (using struture) - Add book information - Dispaly bookinformation - Exit 

2.write a prog to calculate factorial of given no using recursion

3.C Program to Reverse the Contents of a File and Print it

4.write a prog to accept and display customer info. write a funvtion to print the account no and name of customer with balance beow 100(using structure)

5.Copy the content of one file into another file

6. sum of elememts of mxn matrix using dynamic memory allocation

7. wite c prog to perform following opeartions on string using user defined function 1.calculate length of string 2.copy one string to another

8. sum of elememts of mxn matrix

9.Accept n number from user and store into array and count number of occurances of each element

10.WAP for string check if one string is substring of another count occurences exit

11. accept n nos from user and stror all prime no into array and display this array 

12.store the records of students in a file using structure 

13. write c program to sort elements of an array in asecnding order using dynamic memory alloaction

14. number of characters,number of wovels and wordsfrom te text file

15.C Program to Find Union & Intersection of 2 Arrays

16. Accept string from user & replace all occurances of 'a' by '*' symbol

19.write a menu driven prog to accept and display book info of libarary (using struture)

20. multiplication of elememts of mxn matrix using dynamic memory allocation

21.A scooter has serial nos from AA0toFF9. Use a structure pointer - Retrive all information of scooter within rannnnn BB0 and CC9 - Display the oldest scooter

22. sum of serise using function sum = 1+1/x+1/x2+1/x3+1/x4+.....

23. write C prog o accept 2 strings an dcom[are them. if they are equal display there lenght. ifstr1>str2 convert str1 to uppercase and str2 to lower case and display the strinds and vice versa

24. a C prog to calculate sum of digit till it reduces to single digit using recursion

25.write a menu driven prog to accept and display employee (using struture) - search by id - Display name of emp having salary is greater then 10000

26.write a C prog to display transpose of matrix using user defined function

27. create structure student having fields roll noand name. accept details of student fom th use store it into the file and calculate the size of file

28.write a menu driven prog to accept and display employee (using struture) and display emp inforamtion having maximum salary

29.WACp Accept three numbers as command line argument and find out min max and avg

30. Write a C prog to convert decimal no into binary,octal, hexadecimal write seperate user defined function for each option

31.write a prog to accept 4 digit no from user and count zero,odd and even digits of entered no */

32. write a C prog to generate fillowing pattern for n lines Aa Aa Bb Aa Bb Cc Aa Bb Cc Dd  

33.write a C prog to check wheather given no is amstrong or not  

34. write a C prog to calculate sum of digit of given no  

35.write a C prog to accept a string from user and generate following pattern (eg input string is "abcd") a ab abc abcd abc ab a 

36.write prog to accept string from user and delete all vowles from string and display the result 

37.display pattern for n lines 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 

38. Display Star Pattern 

39.write a prog to calculate sum of fibonacci series up to given no  

40.write prog to calculate x to the power y without using std function 

41.write a C prog to accept character and dispaly it,s ASCII value and it's next and previous character 

42. write prog to calculate x to the power y without using std function 

43.write prog to accept string from user and display alternate chracters 

44.write a prig to aclculate following area : 1.circle 2.Rectangle 3.triangle 

45.accept no check it is palindrom or not same as Slip no 29_1 & Slip no 30_1  

46.write a C prog to check wheather given no is perfect or not 

47.write prog to generate following pattern for n lines 1 3 5 7 9 11 

48.Write a function isEven, whichaccepts an int as parameter abd return 1 if number is even otherwise return 0  

49.write prog to display multiplication table up to given no 

50.write prog to accept chatacter from user and check it is alphabet,digit or punctuation symbol if it alphbet check it is lower case or upper acse and then change it's case 

51. temperature conversion Formulae f=c*9/5+32 c=(f-32)*5/9

52.write a prog to swap two numbers using bitwise operator.

53.write a prog to accept n nubers and display sum of all +ve and -ve numbers

54.display each digit in words

55.write a prog to accept n nubers and display sum of all even numbers in an array

56.write a prog to accept string from user and display alternate charcter in upper case

57) write a prog to accept n nubers and display sum of all even numbers in an array 

58) write a prog to accept string from user and display alternate charcter in upper case